
Fitness Mantra - Yoga

"Yoga adds years to your life 

 and life to your years"

The virtual summer camp at Pratap Public School is all about growth and accomplishments. As a part of Summer Bonanza , PPS Jarnailly Colony organised  an online yoga session .

The Physical Instructor Ma'am Meenu Saini  raised awareness and ignited a passion for fitness and yoga among the students and teachers. Stating   that Yoga is not a work out ; it is

a work in she made them acknowledge importance and need of Yoga for both mind and body. Beginning with warming up and stretching, she made students practice different Yoga asanas like Surya Namaskar , Chakra asana, Taad asana , Kapalbhati , Anulom Vilom etc She also emphasized on the fact  that  they can make their body mind  by doing yoga regularly.

On this occasion , the Hon’ble Director Principal ma'am Poonam Navet strongly recommended students to add Yoga in their daily routine  for its salubrious effects on the mind, body and soul .

The success of the event lies in bringing the whole family together practicing Yoga Asanas and understandings their benefits for a healthy life.


  • My daughter really performed well in her presentation on Healthy vs Junk food. All credit goes to her mentors. I really appreciate the initiative taken by the school for the improvement of students' overall development. I wish the teachers and the PPS society a very good luck for their future endeavors. 

    Warm Regards,

    Vaishali Wadhwa,

    M/O Rudrika Wadhwa and Rudransh Wadhwa (Class I-B)

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