
Online Orientation Programme for XI

On 20th April,2021 an Online Orientation programme was held for the students of class X going to class XI. The programme aimed at welcoming them to the vibrant learning community. The focus was on enabling the students, to arrive at the most suited choice of subjects for the session 2021-22.

The programme commenced with a warm welcome to the Hon’ble Director Principal Ms.Poonam Navet, the key-note speaker,Dr Kaveri Chauhan and the other attendees.

At the very outset the Hon’ble Director Principal, Ms Poonam Navet,  impressed upon the students to choose subjects keeping in mind their interest,passion,

aptitude and personality. She stated that XI-XII being an integrated course, the subjects once chosen in XI will have to be studied for two years.

She also asserted that the students should look into their future and visualise the careers they would like to have in future while selecting their subjects.

She informed students that at a time when the world is taken over by internet , machines and automation, many of the professions that looked lucrative in the past are on the verge of losing their relevance in future.The future world would need people who could manufacture or provide services or can fix problems and find solutions to the emerging problems.Therefore students must do enough research before selecting their combination of subjects.

Thereafter while introducing the teaching faculty to the students,she applauded their vast experience and competence and exhorted them to be true to their calling.  

She ended her address with an earnest hope that the students would make best use of the resources and time available to them.

It was followed by an impressive presentation by Dr Kaveri Chauhan, the key-note speaker of the day who built an excellent rapport with the students. She motivated the students to follow their hearts, trust their instincts and analyze themselves to realize what is right for them. She even drew attention to the various pressures faced by the students in their lives. Stressing that every person is unique with his/her own abilities and aptitude so a career planning  should  be charted keeping them in view . She also guided the students to have a positive approach for the online classes and suggested the ways to adapt to them. 

Overall, the session was very refreshing and informative. 

This successful session was ended with proposing of formal vote of thanks. The teachers and the taught reiterated their promise to pursue excellence in all that they do.


  • My daughter really performed well in her presentation on Healthy vs Junk food. All credit goes to her mentors. I really appreciate the initiative taken by the school for the improvement of students' overall development. I wish the teachers and the PPS society a very good luck for their future endeavors. 

    Warm Regards,

    Vaishali Wadhwa,

    M/O Rudrika Wadhwa and Rudransh Wadhwa (Class I-B)

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