
Republic Day Speech

Good morning everyone.  At the very outset let me extend my heartiest greetings to each one of you on the occasion of 71st anniversary of our Republic Day. 

26th January is a red letter day in the history of India because on this day in 1950

India became a Sovereign Democratic Republic.  The terms socialist and secular that you find in the opening statement of the Preamble were added later through amendments. This day is celebrated with pomp and show every year across the length and breadth of the country but special celebrations take place at Rajpath in N Delhi. This year’s Republic Day is of immense significance to every one of us because once again a Pratapian - Pulkit Aghi of Sector-6Branch who scored 498/500 and probably stood third in the country has been invited to watch the Republic Day parade from Prime Minister’s box.  It is indeed a matter of pride for all of us. 

Every year, on this day we display our military might and progress made in various fields of human achievements, proclaiming to the world that India is steadily heading towards becoming a super power.

The real significance of Republic Day lies in the fact that 71 years ago, on this day the people of India gave themselves a Constitution to govern and be governed in letter and spirit.

When Clement Attlee, the British PM, announced the transfer of power from British hands to Indian rulers, the Cabinet Mission was sent to India to chalk out the plan.

Subsequently the Constituent Assembly was formed which set up 13 Committees for framing the constitution. The Committees took two years to submit their reports. On the basis of these reports the Drafting Committee headed by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar prepared a Draft. The draft was then published in several newspapers for people’s scrutiny and was comprehensively debated and discussed in the Press & Provincial Assemblies. In the light of the suggestions received from various sources the modifications were made. The Constitution was finally adopted on Nov.26; 1949.It took 2 years 11 months and 18 days to complete the task. The Constitution came in to effect on 26th January1950. The date 26th January was chosen because since 1930, 26th Jan. was celebrated as Poorna Swaraj or Complete Independence Day.

The constitution of India is a well researched document. It has profound influence of the constitution of UK, USA, Canada, Ireland etc.

The idea of parliamentary system, single citizenship etc. were borrowed from England, Independence of Judiciary Fundamental Rights from the US Constitution. The concept of Federal system with a strong central authority owes to Canada while the concept of Directive Principles came from Ireland.

When the constitution came into force it was said that posterity will acclaim and recall with gratitude the Herculean labour rendered by the makers of the Constitution. As Indians we can never repay the debts to the Drafting Committee presided over by Dr B R Ambedkar because, for all of them it was task of dedication an

The Indian Constitution is the supreme law of India. It has served fairly well to take us forward from a feudal society to an evolving, progressive modern society.

But unfortunately the inherent nature of Indians is not that of a law abiding citizen. Everybody, big or small rich or poor, weak or strong, equally takes pride in violating rules wherever and whenever they find an opportunity to do so.

The Preamble talks of equality, but we differentiate between man and man on the basis of caste, creed religion and what not. We vividly remember the ideas of liberty enshrined in the Preamble because it suits us but have conveniently forgotten the idea of fraternity.

Today on this day, let's together re-affirm our faith in the supreme law of the country. Let us understand that laws are there for our collective good and must be respected and followed religiously. 

Let’s pledge that as proud citizens of the country we shall abide by the laws and contribute our best in our own small ways in the growth and development of the country. 

Dear Students, the year 2020 was not a good year. The onslaught of Covid 19 has taken its toll on us economically, mentally socially and physically. Today the country demands of us work, more work, silent work and sincere work. Work on oneself and work for society. The work on oneself is to follow disciplined life with a lofty purpose, which alone can restore normalcy and bring development in the country. One has to remember that individuals cannot grow to their full potential without corresponding advance in the social fabric of the country. So let’s wholeheartedly engage ourselves in these two aspects of work individual and social. 

Let us together work towards making India cleaner, stronger and prosperous and build an India which is second to none.



  • My daughter really performed well in her presentation on Healthy vs Junk food. All credit goes to her mentors. I really appreciate the initiative taken by the school for the improvement of students' overall development. I wish the teachers and the PPS society a very good luck for their future endeavors. 

    Warm Regards,

    Vaishali Wadhwa,

    M/O Rudrika Wadhwa and Rudransh Wadhwa (Class I-B)

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