
Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony

Things work out best for those who make the best of how the things work out. -John Wooden

The annual prize distribution ceremony was held on 14th February 2020 in Pratap Public School, Jarnailly Colony to acknowledge and appreciate the exceptional performance of the students. The ceremony was presided over by the hon'ble Director Principal ma'am Poonam Navet.

The Director Principal ma'am felicitated the Cabinet Members for their distinguished services in helping the school run smoothly. The most awaited moment was applauded by one and all when Kaveri House was adjudged the best house followed by Ganga House. The award for the best class was bagged by class VII C.

The Director Principal ma'am Poonam Navet congratulated the students for their remarkable achievements and motivated them for aiming at high standards in life and education. The ceremony concluded with a formal vote of thanks by the Narmada House.


  • My daughter really performed well in her presentation on Healthy vs Junk food. All credit goes to her mentors. I really appreciate the initiative taken by the school for the improvement of students' overall development. I wish the teachers and the PPS society a very good luck for their future endeavors. 

    Warm Regards,

    Vaishali Wadhwa,

    M/O Rudrika Wadhwa and Rudransh Wadhwa (Class I-B)

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