
Investiture Ceremony

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way-John Maxwell

The Investiture Ceremony is a prestigious event in every school’s calendar wherein the school formally entrusts responsibilities on the young leaders to discharge their duties to the best of their ability.

To inculcate the leadership qualities in students and to give them a feel of functioning of the administrative body,a school cabinet was formed at Pratap Public School and the Investiture Ceremony was held on May5, 2018.

The function was presided over by Secretary, Mr. Sanjay Bhatia, Joint Secretary, Mrs. Poonam Bhatia, Director-Principal, Ma’am Poonam Navet. Ms. Kanika- the Co-curricular Incharge delivered the welcome address. Raghav of XI Humanities was selected as the Head Boy and Taranjot of XI Com. as the Head Girl of the school. The guests of the august gathering presented sashes to the Head Boy and the Head Girl. Secretary, Mr. Sanjay Bhatia handed over the school flag to Raghav-the Head Boy. Thereafter all the members of the school cabinet, the captains and vice captains of all the houses of the school were also presented sashes by the chief guests.

The Hon’ble Director-Principal Ma’am Poonam Navet administered oath to the members of the school cabinet. This was indeed a proud moment for all the cabinet members. 

The school choir presented a beautiful and appropriate song for moment.

We shall overcome some day---------

The whole cabinet was brimming with enthusiasm and pride when they had a photograph with the chief guests and the Director-Principal.

The Director-Principal congratulated the school cabinet and asked them to work as a link between the administration and students. She advised them to become role model for their schoolmates and use the right balance of head, heart and hand to take the school to newer heights.

The entire programme was successfully anchored by Ms. Kanika–Co-curricular Incharge. The programme culminated with a formal vote of thanks and National Anthem.


  • My daughter really performed well in her presentation on Healthy vs Junk food. All credit goes to her mentors. I really appreciate the initiative taken by the school for the improvement of students' overall development. I wish the teachers and the PPS society a very good luck for their future endeavors. 

    Warm Regards,

    Vaishali Wadhwa,

    M/O Rudrika Wadhwa and Rudransh Wadhwa (Class I-B)

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